Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Monday, November 10, 2008

Not that I'd win or anything but I could be nominated for the Canadian Blog Awards even though I'm an expatriate. There is a religion and philosophy category.

Just saying......

When we had behaved ourselves in school we were allowed to watch films sometimes on a Friday afternoon. It was a different age - boys were allowed to play with knives, lonely men operated light houses on the East coast of Canada and small boats fished for codfish in the Gaspe. It's one of the two or three bits of primary school education that I remember. The film is called 'Paddle to the Sea' (National Film Board 1966) and it's based on a book of the same name which was written in 1941.

Part Two is HERE
Part Three is HERE

or the whole film (slightly better quality) can be found HERE

A later generation's NFB childhood can be found HERE - an animated film called 'The Hockey Sweater'